Agribusiness and Rural Development Engineering, BSc
Agricultural Environmental Management Engineering, MSc
Agricultural Water Management Engineering, MSc
Animal Husbandry Engineering, MSc
Basic Medicine Course (Premedical Studies)
Basic Medicine Course II (Premedical studies)
Business Administration and Management, BSc
Classical Musical Performance, MA
Classical Performing Arts (Music), BA
Communication and Media Studies, BA
Computer Science Engineering, BSc
Computer Science Engineering, MSc
Crop Production Engineering, MSc
Dentistry, Full-time Graduate Program
Doctoral School of Animal Science
Doctoral School of Clinical Medicine
Doctoral School of Dental Sciences
Doctoral School of Earth Sciences
Doctoral School of Health Sciences
Doctoral School of History and Ethnology
Doctoral School of Human Sciences
Doctoral School of Informatics
Doctoral School of Linguistics
Doctoral School of Literary and Cultural Studies
Doctoral School of Management and Business
Doctoral School of Mathematical and Computational Sciences
Doctoral School of Molecular Cell and Immune Biology
Doctoral School of Molecular Medicine
Doctoral School of Neurosciences
Doctoral School of Nutrition and Food Sciences
Doctoral School of Pharmaceutical Sciences
English and American Studies, BA
Environmental Engineering, BSc
Food Safety and Quality Engineering, MSc
Géza Marton Doctoral School of Legal Studies
Gyula Petrányi Doctoral School of Clinical Immunology and Allergology
Health Care and Disease Prevention (Public Health), BSc
Hydrobiology - Water Quality Management, MSc
Instruction of English as a Foreign Language, MA
International Economy and Business, MSc
International Foundation Year for Pop Music
Juhász-Nagy Doctoral School of Biology and Environmental Sciences
Kálmán Kerpely Doctoral School (Crop Science)
Kálmán Laki Doctoral School (Medicine)
Mechatronical Engineering, MSc
Medicine, Full-time Graduate Program
Musical Creative Art and Musicology, BA
Nursing and Patient Care (Dietetics), BSc
Nursing and Patient Care (Nurse), BSc
Nursing and Patient Care (Physiotherapy), BSc
Pekár Imre Doctoral School of Mechanical Engineering
Pharmaceutical Research and Development Manager, MSc
Pharmacy, Full-time Graduate Program
Postgraduate Diploma in Artificial Intelligence
Postgraduate Diploma in Lean Engineer
Postgraduate Diploma in Lean Manager
Postgraduate Diploma in Strategic Engineering and Sustainability Leadership
Precision Agricultural Engineering, BSc
Preparatory course for Musical Creative Art and Musicology study
Romance Philology and Cultures (French Studies), BA
Rural Development Engineering, MSc
Social Work and Social Economics, MA
Social Work in Health Care, MSc
Urban Systems Engineering, MSc