
For SH, SCY and Diaspora scholarship students

Useful links and materials for Stipendium Hungaricum (SH) and Christian Scholarship (SCY) students:


Stipendium Hungaricum Program Operational Regulations (27 March 2024)

Scholarship Program for Christian Young People Operational Regulations (24 February 2023)

Hungarian Diaspora Scholarship Programme - Operational Regulations ( 27 March 2024)


For Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship holders:

Under the section "Already a scholarship holder" Tempus PF listed some important topics and questions regarding your rights and obligations as a scholarship holder. You can also find here guidelines, rules and necessary forms for certain topics, such as:
- minimum credit requirements
- studying Hungarian as a foreign language  
- staying in Hungary
- changing institution / major
- extension of your scholarship period

Please make sure to consult this website in case any of the listed topics is relevant for you. If you have further questions please contact your scholarship coordinator at UD. 


Frequently Asked Questions

1. Semester Registration

7. TAJ card extension

8. Annual Diaspora scholarship application (only for current students)

9. Hungarian as a foreign language (MID)

10. Obligations of residing in Hungary


1. Semester Registration 

Active semester

In case of an active semester, you will need to complete Neptun registration and Scholarship registration that takes place online.

Passive semester

In case you would passivate your student status for the semester, you only need to complete the Neptun registration in order to set your status passive.

Changes in any data

If there have been any changes in the data of your address, residence permit, or passport, please complete SAS registration.


What do I need to do to receive my monthly scholarship and living costs?

In order to initiate your scholarship you need to complete Neptun registration and Scholarship registration. Please, read all the information carefully.


How to do Scholarship registration?

The Scholarship registration has to be submitted online here.

- Scholarship registration can be completed and submitted only in Hungary. The online system allows submitting registrations only through a Hungarian IP address. In case of the IP addresses of the submitted registrations are the same, the student may risk losing the scholarship status.
- You do not have to complete your scholarship registration if you wish to have a passive semester. You only need to set your status passive in Neptun.
- In accordance with the Operational Regulations of the scholarship program, scholarship registration is compulsory for all scholarship students at the beginning of each semester so that we can initiate your monthly payments.
- Scholarship holders may receive their scholarship and accommodation allowance only if they have active student status and they reside in Hungary during the study and exam period as well.


How to do Neptun registration?

- Enter your Neptun surface and choose from the Menu the Administration option, then Enrollment / Registration.

- Switch your status into active or passive at the end of the line of your next semester

- The Neptun registration period depends on your own faculty, when they open and close the surface of semester and course registration. They should inform you separately. If you have a problem with the Neptun registration, please ask help of the Educational Office of your Faculty


How to do SAS registration (only in case of data changes)?

The online SAS registration is NOT the same as your Neptun registration!

- For scholarship holder students SAS registration is not compulsory only if there has been any changes in the data of address, residence permit or passport.

- You also do not have to complete your SAS registration if you wish to have a passive semester, you only need to set your status passive in Neptun.

In case of any data changes:

- Login page to SAS (use your Neptun login-name and password)

- You have to update your personal/contact data (e.g. address, phone number)

- You have to update the number and expiry date of your passport and residence permit and upload a copy of your renewed documents in case it has changed

If any problem occurs, please report it immediately to the following e-mail address:



2. When do I receive my scholarship and accommodation allowance?

Scholarship allowance indicative bank dates:

2024/25 I. Deadline to register or to change bank details Bank transaction date (+1 or 2 days depending on your bank)*
September 09. Sept .2024 20. Sept. 2024
October 25. Sept. 2024 09. Oct. 2024
November 23. Oct. 2024 07. Nov. 2024
December 25. Nov. 2024 09. Dec. 2024
January 13. Dec. 2024 09. Jan. 2025


- You must be aware that – due to a new semester and the registration period – the monthly stipend and accommodation allowance for the month of February/September will arrive later in your bank account (at the end of September/February). You must also bear in mind that you can get the monthly scholarship payment at the end of September/February only if your Neptun and Scholarship registration is completed.

- Please, inform us if you move in or out of the dormitory and send us the check-out form as well.

- You may receive additional information, please read your emails and Neptun messages regularly and carefully.

Further obligations as a Scholarship holder student -regarding to this topic-, please read the Operational Regulations at the top of the page categorized by your scholarship type.




3. Minimum 36-credit requirement

We would like to draw your attention to an important part of the scholarship regulations so that you do not lose your scholarship status.

In each of the two consecutive active semesters, you need to complete at least 36 credits.

If the student does not complete at least 36 credits on the average of the last two semesters where the student status was not interrupted, the institute may terminate the status of the scholarship holder by a unilateral declaration after consulting Tempus Public Foundation.

The University will verify at the end of each academic year (at the end of the spring semester) the number of credits scholarship holders have earned.

The obligation to meet the credit minimum also applies to students transferring from another institution. In their case, only the credits earned during their studies at the University of Debrecen can be accounted for, not the credits from their previous institution.


The minimum credit requirement does not apply to:

  • students who had only one active semester (or none) at the end of the academic year;
  • students who started their studies before the 1st semester of 2018/19;
  • students studying in a Doctoral program;
  • students studying in a preparatory program.


Further obligations as a Scholarship holder student -regarding to this topic-, please read the Operational Regulations at the top of the page categorized by your scholarship type.




4. Changing study program/language/institution

To change your major/institute you must submit a request to Tempus Public Foundation (by email to: Foundation until 1 December for the spring semester or 15 May for the autumn semester.

Please also make sure you gather all information from your new institution/program regarding the credit minimum requirements and make sure you can meet those criteria.

It is only possible to change within the same study level and within 1 year from the start of your studies.


The deadline for submission to Tempus Public Foundation and Hungary Helps is the 1st of December for the spring semester or the 15th of May for the autumn semester!


What is covered?

In case of an approved change, the number of the semesters you used in the current program will be deducted. If there is difference between the number of semesters of the old and new (desired) program – if the change is approved – the number of semesters of the new program will be considered, from which number TPF will deduct the number of active semesters used while studying at the old program. For example: old program is 8 semesters, new program is 12 semesters. If a student changes program after two active scholarship semesters, then 12-2=10 scholarship semesters can be used in the new program. A passive semester will not be deducted. It might happen that you will have to complete your studies as a fee paying student, please calculate according to your individual situation.


Necessary documents

The request must include:

a) written request of the scholarship holder,

b) acceptance letter from the new institution/program

c) resolution of the current institution/program.


Please contact your Admissions Coordinator for c) and if you change your program within the institution b) at least two-three weeks before the deadline.


Transferring from another institution to the University of Debrecen

In case you would like to transfer to the University of Debrecen as a Stipendium Hungaricum holder you can find the list of required documents and details about the application procedure here:

Please submit the required documents through our online application platform

Where you must upload the proof of payment of the application fee please upload a document stating that you are a Stipendium Hungaricum applicant.

After receiving your complete application through our portal, we will inform you about the further steps.




5. Scholarship extension

Scholarship holders studying at bachelor, master and OTM levels may request an extension of their scholarship period (by a total of two semesters). Students can submit their request in their last active scholarship semester. Only a one-semester extension can be requested at once.



31 October in the Autumn semester (for non-medical students request form is available from 1 October),

15 April in the Spring semester (for non-medical students request form is available from 15 March).

Doctoral and preparatory programs cannot be extended!

For Stipendium Hungaricum doctoral students further possibilities can be found here.


How to submit a request?

- NON-MEDICAL students have to submit the request to the University via Neptun.

- MEDICAL students have to submit the request via email, sent directly to your SH Coordinator (indicate the academic reasons in 4-5 sentences). Topic of the email: Extension request_neptun code


How to submit through Neptun?

For NON-MEDICAL students the Request Form has to be submitted to the host institution through Neptun!

Please log in to your Neptun, and click:

Administration –> Requests –> Request Form for Scholarship extension


Will I receive scholarship during the extended period?       

  • Stipendium Hungaricum (SH) scholarship students who started their scholarship studies before 2020/2021 will receive the same benefits including scholarship and/or housing allowance during the extended period
  • SH students who started their scholarship studies in/after 2020/2021 academic year neither receive scholarship nor housing allowance during the extended period, but the health insurance (TAJ card) and the full tuition fee will still be covered by the scholarship.
  • SCYP students are eligible to scholarship payments during extension.
  • Diaspora Scholarship students are no longer eligible for living and housing allowance during the extension.


When will I learn the decision?  

  • You will be notified by the host institution if your request was rejected or approved by the University and forwarded to TPF and HHA or not (in the autumn semester by December 1, and in the spring semester by May 15)
  • The final decision by the TPF and HHA can be expected for by the end of January/July.
  • Students whose applications are refused may continue their studies as self-financed students.


Good to know

  • The extension request needs to be approved by three parties (Host Institution, Sending Partner, and Tempus Public Foundation -TPF-/Hungary Help Agency –HHA-).
  • The Host Institution checks the study performance of the student and whether the remaining studies can be completed within realistic time frame (1 or 2 terms at most). The Host Institution will reject requests where it seems unlikely that studies can be completed during an extra semester.
  • TPF has limited budget for extensions therefore it also depends on the number of applicants if you can receive an additional scholarship semester or not.
  • Students shall contact their Sending Partner regarding their extension request. This is not a compulsory requirement unless the Sending Partner requests it from the student. The University is not involved in this part of the process.
  • Further information and summary about the extension is available in the below link (FAQ - Already a scholarship holder):

Note that you may only receive scholarship support during active student status.

Questions regarding active student status shall be addressed to your Faculty Coordinator.

Further obligations as a Scholarship holder student -regarding this topic-, please read the Operational Regulations at the top of the page categorized by your scholarship type.




6. Dissertation scholarship for Stipendium Hungaricum doctoral students

Tempus Public Foundation (TPF) announces a Dissertation Scholarship application for Stipendium Hungaricum doctoral students who have obtained their pre-degree certificate (Absolutorium) but have not yet received their doctoral degree.  

The aim of the scholarship is to provide financial support for the students after they have completed their program and still need to stay in Hungary during the final research period writing up their dissertation and preparing for defense. This scholarship type is expected to be available every semester, but the conditions might change.

The Stipendium Hungaricum dissertation scholarship is available for a maximum of 8 continuous months after your absolutorium. The scholarship ends at the end of the awarded period or on the last day of the month when the scholarship holder successfully defends their dissertation.

How to apply?
Application happens through the DreamApply system.
Call and guide for application can be reached here.


Documents to be submitted

Scholarship includes


Scholarship does not include


The contribution to the living expenses while living in Hungary:


  • 180.000 HUF / month during the 1st, 2nd and 3rd months
  • 140.000 HUF / month during the 4th, 5th and 6th months
  • 43.700 HUF / month during the 7th and 8th months





Free dormitory place or a contribution to the housing expenses are no longer included in the scholarship.


Further TAJ card coverage (card has to be extended as before)

The one-time HUF 400.000 graduation allowance is no longer eligible


Further Residence Permit (card has to be extended as before)



Further obligations as a Scholarship holder student -regarding to this topic-, please read the Operational Regulations at the top of the page categorized by your scholarship type.




7. TAJ card extension

How to extend your TAJ card

You need to apply for your TAJ card at the National Health Insurance Fund of Debrecen (4026 Debrecen, Darabos utca 11.).

Opening hours:

Monday: 08:00 - 12:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 12:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 12:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 12:00
Friday: 08:00 - 11:00
Saturday-Sunday: CLOSED!

Do not forget to take the following documents with you:

  • valid Passport
  • valid Residence Permit
  • current, valid Address Form
  • valid Letter of Award (hard copy)
  • Student Status Certificate of the current semester (for NON-MEDICAL students can be requested from your Scholarship Coordinator/for MEDICAL students issued by your Registrar’s Office)

Once your TAJ card is ready, please scan it, and send it to your Scholarship Coordinator at UD.


What does the social security TAJ card cover?  

TAJ card covers all examinations (by General Practitioner). For the medication you need to pay, but if it is prescribed medication they will reduce the price based on your TAJ coverage. 

Details about the TAJ coverage:

The TAJ card is a general medical insurance. This basically means that if you have any problems, you have pain, you can go to any public doctor, and the TAJ card will cover the procedure. The important part is that you go to a public doctor, private doctors have fees which you need to pay, the TAJ does not cover that. For certain specialists you need a referral from the GP, but for some you do not:

There is no need for referral from the General Practitioner to go to:

  • dermatology,
  • gynecology,
  • urology,
  • psychiatry
  • otolaryngology,
  • ophthalmology
  • surgery and traumatology,
  • oncology
  • other specialists only in emergency situations when in need of immediate help

In general you can find public specialist doctors at the Klinika and at the Kenézy Gyula Kórház. If there is an emergency you can call an ambulance, the treatment will be free of charge. At the weekend, if there is no immediate emergency you can go to the on-duty general practitioner (in Hungarian: felnőtt háziorvosi ügyelet), it will also be completely free, but we cannot guarantee that they will speak English.

About medicine- if you buy supplements or vitamins or any over-the-counter medication they have a certain, fix price, there is no reimbursement in this case. If you need something more serious, like antibiotics, the Doctor will give you a prescription for it. On the prescription they will mention your TAJ number, so you will pay a reduced price.

Periodic tests are covered (if you want your blood sugar levels checked for example). If you need a check-up for non-health related reasons, like for work or drivers licence you need to pay for that. 

About glasses- it is a very small discount, and only if you need over 10 diopters.

The General Practitioner (GP) performs the following tasks (free of charge):

  • advice for healthy people,
  • carry out screening tests
  • examination of sick people and their medical treatment,
  • advice on medications kept at home,
  • checking the patient's state of health,
  • rehabilitation,
  • care,
  • if necessary, referral to a higher level of the supply system (specialists, hospitals, clinics)
  • proof of incapacity of the patient,
  • vaccine-related tasks,
  • reporting and treatment of infectious diseases,
  • tasks related to food poisoning,
  • health education,
  • participation in maternal care,
  • involvement in child protection warning system
  • medical examination for recreational athletes (for participation in sport events).


Dental services covered with TAJ card (free of charge):

  • emergency treatment,
  • dental treatment (both amalgam and aesthetic filling)
  • dental surgery,
  • removal of dental plaque,
  • treatment of gum problems,
  • screening (defined frequency: for example once a year above the age of 18 years)
  • upon specialist referral: treatment of dental diseases related to other primer diseases.




8. Annual Diaspora scholarship application (only for current students)


Diaspora Scholarship Holder students from their second year on annually have to obtain their further monthly living and housing allowance. Further scholarship contribution is depending on the completion of participation in an event aimed at learning about the Hungarian language and culture.

From the second year on, scholarship holders are entitled to further scholarship benefits after the completion of participating in at least three diaspora events per academic year related to learning about the Hungarian language and culture.




9. Hungarian as a foreign language (MID)


A scholarship holder in full-time foreign language bachelor’s and master’s courses is required to attend the Hungarian as a foreign language and culture course provided by the host institution in the first year of their studies in the SH Programme (both first and second semester). Should the scholarship holder fail to fulfil this obligation, the amount of the scholarship will be reduced:

a) not visiting classes (not registering the course): 0 Ft/month until the end of the scholarship studies.

b) visiting classes, but failing the subject: 30.000 Ft/month until passing the course.


Further obligations as a Scholarship holder student -regarding to this topic-, please read the Operational Regulations at the top of the page categorized by your scholarship type.




10. Obligations of residing in Hungary

Considering that the aim of the Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship is to support higher education studies in Hungary, traveling during the study period is regulated in the rules of the scholarship.

The scholarship holder is required to live in Hungary during the training period, and may leave for:

  • 10 working days: without issue
  • 10-30 days: you need to contact your Scholarship Coordinator (and Supervisor for PhD students) and ask for approval
  • 30+ days: only in case of a passive semester. In case you are not passive and leave for more than 30 days you will not receive stipend and accommodation allowance for the whole semester!

PhD students ONLY: Scholarship holders in doctoral training may participate at student mobility abroad with the purpose of research for the duration of maximum one semester in both phase of doctoral studies (once before and once after the complex exam). In their case the housing allowance and the monthly stipend shall be considered as mobility grants for this specified period. 


