
Urban Systems Engineering, MSc

Faculty: Faculty of Engineering 
Academic discipline: Engineering Sciences
Qualification: Urban Systems Engineer

Starting date: September/February

Language requirements: English language proficiency (TOEFL 547 /IELTS 6.0 /oral examination)

Academic requirements:
Credit points can be fully recognized from: architecture, civil engineering, gardening and landscape engineering bachelor’s degrees. Bachelor’s degrees in the following fields can be taken into account: computer science engineering from the field of informatics, environmental engineering, earth science and engineering, transportation engineering from the field of engineering, geography, earth science from the field of natural sciences, land surveying and land management engineering, agricultural and rural development engineering, rural development engineering, agricultural engineering from the field of agriculture.

Duration: 4 semesters
ECTS credits: 120
Tuition fee: 8,000 USD/year
Other fees: application fee 150 USD, entrance procedure fee 350 USD
Short description: 
The objective of the program is to train urban system engineers who can effectively contribute to urban planning, settlement architecture, principal architecture, and technical authorities; furthermore, these engineers will be able to assist administrations and communal maintenance services and the protection of the urban built environment of a local government. Urban systems engineers are prepared at a high level to implement the conception and programs of urban development and to form their plans. They are able to harmonize the development of settlements, groups of settlements, and areas to make spatial plans, to manage and control such activities, and to conduct scientific research in the professional field.
Lecture, seminar: 48%
Practice: 52%
Main subjects typically include (this list is indicative and may change):
Year Main subjects
1 Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Urban Sociology, Public Works: Urbanization, Urban Transportation Planning, Urban Environmental Protection, Regional Planning, Urban Architecture, Real Estate Development and Management, Greenfield Management, Ecological Planning, Urban Planning, City Operations, Municipal Administration
2 Bridges and Structures, Public Works, Strategic Environmental Assessment, Urban Waste Management, Urban Planning, Built Heritage Protection, Thesis


Internship, practice: Students should complete a 4-week field practice.
More information about the program can be found here.
See the full description: Bulletin
Career prospects: Graduates can choose from a wide range of positions at public, private, and non-profit organizations, planning and architectural advisory firms, or research institutes.

Are you considering applying for this program?

Check out some information about the Application and Admission process!

More info about Accommodation and Cost of living are also available on our website.

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