
Postgraduate Diploma in Lean Manager

Faculty: Engineering
Academic discipline: Engineering Science 
Qualification: Lean Manager

Starting date: September/February

Language requirements: English language proficiency (TOEFL 547 /IELTS 6.0/oral examination)
Academic requirements: at least bachelor’s degree in a non-engineering field (e.g. Technical Management, Economics, Science or Informatics).
Duration: 2 semesters
ECTS credits: 60
Tuition fee: 7,500 USD
Other fees: application fee 150 USD, entrance procedure fee 350 USD


Short description: 

The fundamental goal of the course is to train lean professionals who are able to integrate the principles and methods of lean management into the company’s strategy and operational practices. Students will acquire the professional skills needed for effective and efficient lean transformation, which will help them to continuously improve the company’s operational and business performance increasing competitiveness in a rapidly changing business environment. Graduates will be able to design and operate lean production and service systems, develop lean corporate structures, apply lean methods and techniques, and integrate continuous improvement into corporate culture.


Lecture, seminar: 53%
Practice: 47%


Main subjects typically include (this list is indicative and may change):

Semester Main subjects
1 Management Knowledge, Quality Management, Quality Improvement Tools, Lean Management I, Lean Methods and Tools I, Production and Operations Management, Measurement and Qualification I
2 Organizational Theory and Behavior, Lean Management II, Lean Methods and Tools II, Process Management, Performance Measurement and Business Valuation, Measurement and Qualification II, Maintenance Management


Internship, practice: The program does not include an internship.

Career prospects: 

Mid-to upper-level positions where the tasks include implementing lean concepts like process mapping, mistake proofing (DMIAC projects), value-stream mapping, waste reduction, optimization:

  • Supply Chain Manager
  • Operations Manager / Specialist
  • Plant Manager
  • Quality Improvement Specialist
  • Business Process Manager
  • Process Analyst
  • Project Manager
  • Lean Manufacturing Manager

The list is not exhaustive as many career paths are available because lean principles can be effective in improving business processes in many different fields (e.g. education, public administration, sales, services, finances, etc.).



Are you considering applying for this program?

Check out some information about the Application and Admission process!

More info about Accommodation and Cost of living are also available on our website.

But if you still have any question, feel free to contact us!

You can also meet our Student Ambassadors, check their testimonials or even contact them in case of non-academic questions, eg. about student life.



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