
Classical Musical Performance, MA

Classical Musical Instrumental Performance, MA
Opera singing /Oratorio and Art Song Singing, MA
Choir Conducting, MA


Faculty: Music
Qualification: Pianist/Organist/Guitarist/Flautist/Oboist/Clarinetist/Horn Player/Trumpeter/Prcussionist/ Opera Singer/Oratorio and Song Performer/Choir Conductor
Language requirements: English language proficiency
Academic requirements: BA degree in suitable instrumental/vocal area; entrance examination (more information:
Starting date: September/February
Duration: 4 semesters
ECTS: 120
Tuition fee: 10,000 USD/year
Other fees: application fee 150 USD, entrance procedure fee 350 USD

Short description:

To educate musicians who - with their performing skills, theoretical knowledge, and highly developed musical abilities - enrich and spread Hungarian and European music culture. They can enrich the repertoire of musical knowledge with their sophisticated musical taste and are able to work in professional performing ensembles or as a soloist.


Main subjects typically include (this list is indicative and may change):
Instrumental / Vocal / Conducting Technique and Performance, History of Music, Analysis
Career prospects: Graduated students are able to work as a soloist or in a professional performing ensembles. With their high standard of knowledge they can continue their studies in DLA doctoral program.


Are you considering applying for this program?

Check out some information about the Application and Admission process!

More info about Accommodation and Cost of living are also available on our website.

But if you still have any question, feel free to contact us!

You can also meet our Student Ambassadors, check their testimonials or even contact them in case of non-academic questions, eg. about student life.


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