
Doctoral School of Nutrition and Food Sciences

Faculty: Medicine / Agricultural and Food Sciences and Environmental Management

Starting date: September / February

Duration: 8 semesters

Language requirements: level B2 English language exam

Academic requirements: MSc degree in the field of agricultural sciences, MSc degrees in nutrition, medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, public health, molecular biology, biotechnology in medicine, and clinical laboratory research are accepted by the Doctoral school as an entrance requirement (including a preliminary research proposal signed by the supervisor).


Tuition Fee:

Food Sciences Program:       9,800 USD/year
Nutrition Science Program: 16,900 USD/year

One time fees: application fee 150 USD, entrance procedure fee 350 USD

Short description:
Research in food and engineering sciences is increasingly widespread as new challenges emerge in the field of food quality and safety and as new procedures are introduced in the food chain. The food chain is understood in terms of the concept „from farm to table” including rotational agricultural practices with the issue of food waste. The Doctoral school offers the opportunity to dig deeper into these areas on a postgraduate level. Nutrition-related research is of increasing importance in terms of preventing obesity, diabetes, digestive, heart and circulatory diseases. The interrelations of these diseases with food quality and food-related physiological impacts represent an increasing rate in the international research of this field, especially pharmacological changes that can be applied in clinical practice. In addition to medicine and food the research into nutritional therapy is also included in the doctoral program. Nutrition therapy encompasses medical treatments, food-drug interactions, scientific questions of nutrition and the nutrition-related issues of certain pathological conditions. The University of Debrecen with its inter-faculty connections offers this doctoral program as an exceptional opportunity to research the above fields.


Ms. Judit Szepesi (food sciences):

Ms. Andrea Szalai (nutritional sciences):
