
Faculty of Medicine


  • the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Debrecen was Central Europe's first campus medical school

  • the University was officially inaugurated on October 23, 1918 and at that time consisted of four faculties: Arts, Science, Theology and Medicine

  • the Faculty of Medicine became an independent University Medical School under the supervision of the Ministry of Health in 1951


  • today, the Medical School has 22 departments of basic sciences and 25 clinical departments

  • the various fields include

    • clinical chemistry
    • internal medicine
    • surgery
    • orthopedics
    • radiology
    • neurology
    • neurosurgery
    • psychiatry
    • pediatrics
    • obstetrics and gynecology
    • cardiology and pulmonology
    • oto-rhino-laryngology
    • dermatology
    • ophthalmology
    • stomatology
    • urology
  • the Medical School serves as the city hospital for Debrecen, therefore students of upper terms may also obtain their clinical training here

  • the Faculty of Medicine started MD training in English in 1987, with 49 students

  • education at the Debrecen Medical School is accredited by

    • the World Health Organization
    • the State Education Department (NY, USA)
    • the Medical Board of California
    • the General Medicine Council (UK – for more details please check
    • the Medical Councils of Israel, Ireland, Iran and Norway
  • in most European countries that are not listed above, and also in India, the diploma of the University of Debrecen Medical School is accepted for registration purposes; however, a qualifying exam is compulsory


  • in its 45 theoretical and clinical organizational units, the Faculty engages in internationally recognized research activities in a wide range of life sciences

  • the leading research laboratories participated in the foundation of the Research Centre for Molecular Medicine which combines cutting-edge basic research with applied research and technological development

  • in 2003, the Center won the title “Centre of Excellence” from the European Commission


General Contact Information

Address: 4032 Debrecen, Nagyerdei krt. 94.
Phone: +36 52 258-086
Dean: Dr. László Mátyus, Professor
Vice deans:
Specialization and Further Education affairs: Dr. Andrea Szegedi, Professor
Academic affairs: Dr. Norbert Németh, associate professor
Scientific affairs: Dr. Zoltán Papp, Professor


Student Academic Information

Registrar’s Office
Head of department: Dr. Pál Papp
Address: 4032 Debrecen, Nagyerdei krt. 94.
Phone: +36 52 258-020 / 58020 fax: +36 52 255-001 / 56120
Business hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 9.00-12.30, Tuesday, Thursday: 12.30-16.00
Misc. Academic Information
Language courses: as determined by the Foreign Language Center of the Faculty of Medicine




