
Faculty of Economics and Business

The Faculty of Economics and Business is currently the largest faculty of the University of Debrecen with about 4000 students and more than 120 staff members. The Faculty has been created by the merger of two former faculties of the university: the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration and the Faculty of Applied Economics and Rural Development. 

The Faculty has a very wide scope of education dominated by economics and business administration; however it has a significant variety of programs in agribusiness and rural development. We are proud of the large number of our international students currently in the BA in Business Administration and Management and the MA in International Economy and Business. The attractiveness of our education is indicated by the popularity of the Faculty in terms of incoming Erasmus students as well. 


The following undergraduate and graduate programs are available in English:


The following doctoral program is offered to international students in the field of business:

International relations

  • The Faculty has extensive international relations with almost 30 higher educational institutions from all over the world
  • Most of these belong to the framework of the ERASMUS program, but there are other bilateral co-operations and successful ATLANTIS projects as well
  • Faculty membership of international organizations:
    • International Association for Research in Income and Wealth (IARIW)
    • Decision Sciences Institute European Association for Comparative Economic Studies (EACES)

Business Partners

  • Due to the compulsory professional practical placement in several programs, the Faculty has widespread connections with local and regional partners.
  • Co-operation agreements exist with several multinational institutions (Henkel, Ernst & Young, National Instruments, Teva), financial institutions (CIB Bank, Erste Bank, K&H Bank) the local government and the local Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

General Contact Information
Coordinator: Ms. Judit Fróna
Address: 4032 Debrecen, Böszörményi út 138., Post Address: H-4002 Debrecen, P.O. Box: 400. Hungary
Phone/fax: 508-444/ 68008 (Dean’s Office)
Interactive Campus map:

Registrar’s Office

Address: 4032 Böszörményi út 138. Veres Péter Dormitory
Phone: 508-431, 508-444/86937
Business hours: 8.00 -1 2.00, Tuesdays and afternoons: closed



