
Faculty of Dentistry


  • the Faculty provides internationally recognized education of high standard and aims at training professional dentists confident to work all over the world

  • the Faculty meets the requirements of the European Union and the degree received is accepted in all EU countries and several other countries around the globe

  • after establishing the departments of Prosthetics, Periodontics and Anatomy, the Faculty introduced the fields of Dental Biochemistry and Dental Medicine

  • in 2000, the disciplines of Restorative Dentistry, Surgery, Physiology, Pharmacy, Microbiology and Pathology became parts of the Curriculum of dental studies

  • the Dentistry Program for English Program Students was established in 2003, and by now, the Faculty of Dentistry has over 700 international students.

  • the Faculty participates in the Erasmus Program, thus students have the chance to spend a semester or a full academic year at a foreign university in Europe

  • in 1996, the Faculty was awarded the title of “Center of Excellence” by the Hungarian Accreditation Committee for its educational, research, and remedial achievements


  • as students gain proficiency in several disciplines, they are welcome to join the academic work and research conducted by the different institutes

  • successful research may be accepted as a thesis in the last year of the program

General Contact Information

Address: 4032 Debrecen, Nagyerdei krt. 98.
Phone/fax: 255-208 (Dean’s Office)
Dean: Dr. Kinga Bágyi
Vice deans: 
General: Dr. István Varga associate professor
Educational affairs: Dr. Norbert Szentandrássy associate professor
Student Academic Information
Registrar’s Office
Address: 4032 Debrecen, Nagyerdei krt. 94.
Phone (Registrar’s Office): tel.: 255-001 fax: 255-001 /55962
Business hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9.00–12.30; Tuesday, Thursday 12.30–16.00
Misc. Academic Information
Language courses: English, medical English, German, French, Spanish, and additional language courses as determined by the Foreign Language Center of the Faculty of Medicine


