
Faculty of Music

The Faculty of Music at the University of Debrecen has a history of nearly 50 years. The aim of the faculty is to educate musicians who, with their performing skills, theoretical knowledge and highly developed musical abilities, enrich and spread Hungarian and International music culture. They can enrich the repertory of musical knowledge with their sophisticated musical taste and are able to work in musical institutions, professional performing ensembles, religious ensembles and in other occupations that require a musical education.

Apart from demanding high level classes of well-known professors and artists, the Faculty provides a great number of  extracurricular activities such as master classes, national and international meetings and competitions, but also remembers to organize entertainment programs.

The following undergraduate and graduate programs are available in English:


Contact information

Coordinator: Mr. Ákos Tóth
Address: Main Campus - Debrecen, Nagyerdei boulevard 82.,
Music Faculty Building, First floor
E-mail address:
Interactive Campus map:

