
Faculty of Pharmacy

The faculty's mission:

  • The faculty is committed to the high-quality cultivation of the pharmaceutical profession, and considers the incorporation of new scientific results into graduate and postgraduate training to be a priority task. Its goal is to provide up-to-date, international-level knowledge in lifelong learning. Our multidisciplinary international research focuses on creative innovation and sustainability.
  • We are committed to preserving and healing the health of society, helping those in need, we do all this in solidarity and humanely.
  • During our dedicated third mission activity, we cooperate with national and international partners to develop methods, technologies and results applicable to society.


The faculty has eight departments:

  • Department of Biopharmacy 
  • Department of Phamacodynamics
  • Department of Pharmaceutical Technology
  • Department of Pharmaceutical Surveillance and Economics 
  • Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry 
  • Department of Pharmaceutical Clinical Basics 
  • Department of Molecular and Nanopharmaceutics
  • Affiliated Department of Industrial Pharmaceutical Technology



The new high-tech building of the Faculty of Pharmacy was handed over in 2024, which is closely connected to the national industrial production-research and teaching center, which represents the base of educational activities in the pharmaceutical industry. We announce mainly practical training courses related to the pharmaceutical industry at several levels.

The pharmacy education is an undivided master's degree (300 credits), 10 semesters full-time in Hungarian and English, students receive a pharmD degree at the end of the education.

The structure of pharmacist training is balanced, which means the right ratio of theoretical and practical training. Students must participate in a 6-month pharmacy and hospital clinical practice before the mandatory final exam.

The aim of the training is to train pharmacists who, with the knowledge of medicines and their use, the pharmacist's knowledge, skills, attitudes and responsible and ethical behaviour acquired during the training, are able to participate in the direct provision of medicines to the general public and in inpatient care, and, aware of their rights and obligations in these areas, can play a role in enhancing the effectiveness of drug therapy in cooperation with other health care actors, helping to increase patient cooperation in the use of medicines.

They are also prepared to participate and work in pharmaceutical manufacturing, pharmaceutical wholesaling, industrial pharmacy, health authorities, drug research and development, scientific research oriented towards pharmacology, biology, chemistry, medicine and health, and to participate in public health programmes, drug information, disease prevention and health education/advice activities. They are able to make decisive, rapid and professionally sound decisions in stressful situations. They are prepared to continue their studies at doctoral level.


The faculty's training portfolio has been expanded with the MSc course in pharmaceutical development research management, the aim of which is to train pharmaceutical research and development managers who know the entire process of pharmaceutical development, the domestic and international regulatory environment of this process, are able to work in research groups on a preclinical, clinical, pedigree, marketing professional basis, manage with the knowledge of international regulation, which plays an increasingly important role.

They know the European Union legislation and procedures related to the research and development and registration of medical devices, as well as the conditions for the production and notification of dietary supplements, as well as the registration of medicines and the research and development (R&D) activity leading to this, including the conditions of pharmaceutical production, the professional and legal rules of the relevant medical and pharmaceutical research. They become capable of applying them in practice. The training lasts 4 semesters, 120 credits must be obtained.



PhD training in English and Hungarian is offered at the Doctoral School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, we promote a number of innovative research topics, emphasizing nano drug carrier systems, cardiovascular and oncology research, as well as antiviral and antibiotic drug developments, but our priority project is also vaccine research.

The faculty collaborates with the Health Industry Institute and the complex health industry multidisciplinary competence center, their joint task is to create a research knowledge base that is competitive in domestic and international research, able to attract research resources, to plan research goals and research directions defined jointly with industrial partners, product and service-centered research design.

We consider it important to create and operate multidisciplinary research networks, and to this end we make use of the knowledge base concentrated on UD. We are committed to finding and applying innovative solutions during research, as well as to use and provide mutual support for common research infrastructure that can be shared with our industrial partners. The Faculty of Pharmacy is at the forefront of creating the university's health industry ecosystem and is one of the defining pillars of the university's health industry R&D activities.

It is committed to operating in international research networks and considers it important to implement education-research-development and tendering activities with domestic and international industrial partners.

In cooperation with foreign higher education institutions in the education of pharmacists, it may be possible to obtain a joint double degree. The condition for this is the coordination and discussion of the training programs and topics, and then the conclusion of the educational cooperation contract.

More information can be found directly on the faculty's website:


General Contact Information

Address: 4032 Debrecen, Nagyerdei körút 98.
Phone/fax: 512-900/22456; 512-900/22630 (Dean’s Office)  
Dean: Dr. Kovácsné Prof. Dr. Ildikó Katalin Bácskay
Vice Deans: 
General: Dr. Gábor Halmos professor

Student Academic Information

Registrar’s Office
Address: 4032 Debrecen, Nagyerdei krt. 94. 
Coordinator: Mr Tamás Buka, Email:


