
Chemical Engineering, MSc

Faculty: Science and Technology
Academic discipline: Engineering Science
Qualification: Chemical Engineer
Starting date: September/February
Language requirements: English language proficiency (TOEFL 547 /IELTS 6.0 /oral examination)
Academic requirements: Chemical Engineer BSc or Biochemical Engineer BSc (catching up is not required); BSc in Materials and Science Engineering, Timber Industry Engineering, Light Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, and Chemistry (catching up is required)
Duration: 4 semesters
ECTS: 120
Tuition fee: 8,000 USD/year
Other fees: application fee 150 USD, entrance procedure fee 350 USD
Short description:
The training objective of the Chemical Engineering MSc is to improve the supply of engineering professionals, and to keep those with BSc degree from migrating. Our objective is to train professionals who possess the general knowledge, technical intelligence and the basics of natural, social and engineering sciences, which are essential for the practice of the chosen profession.
For more information please download the course bulletin from here. You can see the curriculum of the program here

Are you considering applying for this program?

Check out some information about the Application and Admission process!

More info about Accommodation and Cost of living are also available on our website.

But if you still have any question, feel free to contact us!

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