
Frequently Asked Questions

Application and admission

I tried to submit my application, but I was told to contact an agency. How can I know if I can trust the agency?

If you can find them in our list of Representatives they are official agents of the University. If they are not on the list please contact us immediately!

I am a final year student at my high school/university. Can I apply for a degree program before my graduation?

Yes, absolutely. In this case you still have to fill in the name of your school/university and your expected graduation date in the application form. You can apply during the final year of your current level of education with the following documents: your transcripts (end of year reports) of the last 2-3 academic years, predicted grades / expected graduation certificate. You will have to present your original high school/bachelor/master degree certificate during registration.

How can I know if I am eligible to apply for a certain study program?

You can check the application requirements at the page of each study program. General requirements: 
- a high school certificate (successful completion of grade 12/ultimate grade of high school and passing the final exam) is required to apply for bachelor degree programs, 
- a relevant bachelor degree certificate is required to apply for master programs
- a relevant master degree certificate is required to apply for doctoral (PhD) programs.

How can I submit an application?

You can submit your application online, via our own application platform. You will have to enter your personal and contact data, as well as information about your current studies. You will also need to submit several documents (passport, school documents, a short CV, bank receipt of the application fee, etc.) depending on the level of education and the chosen program. 

How long does the admissions process take?

• In general: after your application is complete and submitted properly, one of the admission coordinators will get in touch with you or with your representative within a few days.
• Freshman applicants (those who apply to the first year of a program) need to take an entrance exam or interview. The date of the exam/interview is set by email communication with the applicant or its representative. The result of the exam/interview is announced within 1-2 days after the exam.
• Applicants with credit transfer: it may take several weeks until the responsible committee finishes the procedure regularly conducted in these cases

How early should a student apply? What is the application deadline?

Application deadlines differ based on which program you are interested in. 

September intake doctoral programs: 15th May
September intake all other programs: 15th June

January BMC: 1 November
February intake all other programs: 15th November
February intake other non-medical programs: 30th November

However, to avoid any missed deadlines we strongly encourage prospective students to submit their applications at their earliest convenience.

Do I have to submit letters of reference?

To apply for bachelor/master programs applicants will not need letters of reference. However, if you submit your application for a doctoral program (excluding the medical programs), you must present two letters of recommendation from your former professors.

Is the entrance exam for medical programs compulsory?

Yes, the entrance examination is compulsory for everyone applying for the following courses: Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy and Basic Medicine Course. 

What to expect from the entrance examination?

Medical programs:

Biology is compulsory and you may choose between Chemistry or Physics as the second subject. The entrance exam consists of two parts:
• written part: the exam paper includes multiple-choice questions, definitions, and calculations. Allowed time: 50 minutes/subject. The online exam schedule may be different.
• oral part: students are interviewed one by one by an exam committee. The decision is announced right after the oral exam, and you will receive your Letter of Acceptance.

Non-medical programs:

The entrance exam consists of two parts:
• written: test in English, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Geography (depending on the chosen program)
• oral part: subjects are the same as above; the students present themselves one by one to the Committee. The result is announced right after the oral exam.

Can the exam be taken online?

If the applicant cannot travel to Hungary or to one of the exam sites abroad, an online exam is possible. This is usually organized via Zoom or Skype.

What is an entrance interview?

An entrance interview is compulsory for those who apply for bachelor and master programs in the medical and health field (for example Public Health BSc and MSc, Physiotherapy BSc, Nursing BSc, Molecular Biology MSc, Social Work MA and MSc) and for certain non-medical programs, too. (eg. Engineering master programs)
Bachelor and master applicants can expect questions about their motivation, future plans and previous education. Master applicants will also receive relevant (scientific) questions regarding their professional background/experience. Communication skills and level of English are also assessed.
For transfer students, the entrance interview contains scientific questions as well in order to ascertain the applicant’s knowledge certified in the transcripts.

Is formal clothing required for the exam/interview?

Business casual is fine.

What is the next step after the entrance exam?

You have to pay your seat reservation fee / full tuition fee stated in your Letter of Acceptance. In case you need a visa to enter Hungary you will receive the visa supporting documents (original Letter of Acceptance, visa support letter, health insurance copy) from the University upon receipt full tuition fee, and you can start arranging your visa. Do not forget to take care of your flight and accommodation.

Does the University of Debrecen accept transfer credits?

Yes. The faculty shall recognize the credits acquired by its students in a different domestic or foreign higher education institution on the basis of inter-institutional credit equivalence agreements, individual student contracts or legislation on credit equivalency. The extent to which two curricula are similar is determined by a faculty level Sub-Committee for Educational Matters and Credit Transfer.

Do you accept exams such as SAT?

Taking an exam such as SAT does not exempt you from taking our entrance exam/interview. 


Can I get a discount from the tuition fee?

From the 2nd year of their full degree studies onwards, registered full time students who achieved a 4.0 grade average or higher in each of the previous consecutive 2 semesters on their current program and completed at least 20 credits/semester may be eligible for the tuition fee reduction. Please note that the 'SCHOLARSHIP INDEX = STIPEND INDEX = ÖSZTÖNDÍJ INDEX' will be taken into consideration to calculate the results of grade average.


Can I apply for Erasmus?

Yes, in general you may.

Please contact:

Please keep in mind that you still need to pay your tuition fee during your exchange program.

However, if you are a Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship student - as the main purpose of your scholarship is to support your studies in Hungary - you cannot participate in Erasmus according to the scholarship regulations unless your scholarship status is terminated. 

I have to pay for an item in the Neptun. How should I do that?

If you want to make payments via Neptun you have to have money on your Neptun account. You can top up money only by bank transfer.

Bank details of the Neptun joint account since 01.08.2021:
Account holder: University of Debrecen
Beneficiary address: 4032 Debrecen, Egyetem tér 1.
Account number: 11738008-21489901 (OTP Bank Nyrt.)
IBAN: HU04 1173 8008 2148 9901 0000 0000

In the transfers comment field you need to put your Neptun code (not your network id!) in NK-Neptun code format and your name! (e.g.: NK-AB1234 John Smith). Please write your Neptun code in upper case, and be careful not to change the following characters: O-0, I-1, Z-2, U-V, H-4 , etc. You should place money to your Neptun account at least 3 working days in advance, as it takes time to process your payment and credit to your student account. (Only if comment field is correct.)
If the transferred amount does not appear on your Neptun account within one working day, please write an email to the address:

Your email should contain the following data: your name and Neptun code, date and amount of transfer, source bank account number.

Placing money to your Neptun account does not mean you made the necessary payments!

You should fulfill your payment obligations under the „Finances” menu. (More details: , Login, Student, "Letölthető dokumentumok", paying_via_neptun-1_2021-08-02.pdf )

How can I pay the application fee?

The application fee is 150 USD (bank receipt to be submitted with your application documents), and the exam fee is 350 USD, both to be paid by bank transfer to the university’s bank account. Bank details of the University of Debrecen can be found in this section. It is of vital importance to mention the applicant’s full name in the comment section.

Applicants who apply via an official representative may pay the application and exam fee directly to the representative.

Scholarship applications (for example Stipendium Hungaricum, Scholarship for Christian Young People, Diaspora, Students at Risk) are free of charge and are to be submitted via a designated scholarship application platform and not directly to the university.

What are the tuition costs and is financial aid available?

Tuition fees vary based on the program you apply for. The lowest-priced programs cost 5,500 USD/year, while the most expensive ones around 17,000 USD/year.

For further information please visit the Tuition fee section.
Several scholarships are available at UD, please see under Scholarships and Loans.

When am I expected to pay tuition for the school year? How do I pay it?

In case you need a visa to enter Hungary the total yearly tuition fee has to be paid  after receiving the Letter of Acceptance (for September intake until 15th July, for the Spring intake until 15th November). The University of Debrecen can furnish you with the visa supporting documents only when the fee has been paid.  

In case of Medicine programs:  you should secure your place by paying the seat reservation fee defined in your Letter of Acceptance within two weeks. We cannot guarantee the seats for students paying after the deadline. 
If you can enter Hungary without a visa the rest of the tuition fee can be paid in two installments – 1st semester: before registration, 2nd semester: until 31st March. Students paying the full yearly tuition fee in one installment before registering to the first semester will get a discount. 

In case of non-medical programs: the rest of the tuition fee should be paid in full before the registration.
Payments are accepted in the form of Bank Transfers. Cheques and cash payments are not accepted. All bank expenses should be paid by the applicant.

How do students apply for financial aid?

On this particular matter, you can find detailed information here.

How do students apply for scholarships?

On this particular matter, you can find detailed information here.

Can I pay for my application and tuition with credit card?

As of now, all fees need to be sent to the University's bank account via bank-transfer.

For more info please click here.

Can I pay the tuition fee in installments?

First-year students cannot request partial payment, because they need the bank statement of the bank transfer/confirmation from the university for their visa. From the 2nd year on, students may pay their tuition fee in two installments upon request.


How and when can I register for a semester?

New students’ registration is coordinated by the Coordinating Center for International Education where you need to present yourself in person within two weeks from Orientation.

Admitted students receive an email about the registration procedure in time (usually in July or early August) and this information is also published on Freshman info, make sure you check it regularly.

Certain parts of the registration process happen online (for example data updates).

However, to establish your student status you have to complete your registration process in person. 

How can I register for subjects?

Registering for subjects/classes can be done in the University’s online academic database called NEPTUN

  • For new students of medical and health programs (only for the very first semester) your registration is completed by the Registrar’s Office. From your second semester onwards you will have to register yourself, however, you will (be) get assistance from the appropriate university staff.
  • As a  non-medical student, you will have to register yourself. Only the registration of foundation students will be completed by the Faculty Coordinator. 

Medical examination and health insurance

How can I get health insurance? Do I have to pay for it?

The insurance is included in your tuition fee. You will receive the contract and the online insurance card during registration.

For additional information please visit the Health insurance page.

What is the medical examination? Where and when does it take place? Do I have to pay for it?

The medical check-up is compulsory for all new students arriving at the University, furthermore, it needs to be repeated according to the requirements of different practices. The examination includes the following tests: blood test, HIV, anti-HCV, HBsAg, Anti HBs, measles, a chest X-ray, and physical examination.

You will receive the necessary documents and appointments during registration. The fee for the medical check-up is included in your tuition fee. The doctor’s office is on campus, right in front of the Coordinating Center for International Education.

Where can I go in case of a health problem?

The university GP's office is located at the Main Campus (physical address 1 Egyetem tér, Debrecen), in the building right behind the Coordinating Center for International Education – side entrance of Kossuth Dormitory III, ground floor.

Office hours are Monday- Friday, 08:00-16:00.

The telephone number for requesting an appointment: +36 30 227 8604 or +36 30 227 8601
You can also book your appointment via this website.

Is there mental health counselling available for international students?

Yes, the University provides mental health counseling for its international students if needed.

For more information and to book an appointment, please visit the DEMEK Mental Health Services website.

Academic matters of registered students

What is a passive semester?

In case due to an unexpected situation, you need to take a break from your studies, you should ask for a passive semester. During a passive semester, you pause your studies, you do not have to visit classes, and you basically take time off.

Please keep in mind that you can only take 2 consecutive passive semesters!

For a passive semester, you do not need to pay a tuition fee, but your insurance is covered by the tuition fee. So if you plan on staying in Hungary during your passive semester, please contact the Coordinating Center about your insurance.

Is Physical Education compulsory for graduation?

Indeed it is!

Students in full-time programs at the University of Debrecen must take two compulsory contact hours of physical education per week for two semesters at the bachelor (BSc, BA) programs – excluding students at the Faculty of Music -, for one semester at the master (MSc, MA) programs – excluding students at the Faculty of Music -, for three semesters at the one-tier programs – excluding students at the Faculty of Music.

Can I defer/postpone my admission?

Admitted students can request to postpone their studies for a maximum of one year in written form. In the case of medical programs, it is only possible within one month after the entrance examination, paying the seat reservation fee defined in the Letter of Acceptance. If the student fails to register to the university within the given period, he/she can only start his/her studies after successfully passing a new entrance exam and completing the payment, and fulfilling other terms and conditions specified in the new Letter of Acceptance.

How can I receive a student status certificate?

Medical programs: you can request it from your Faculty’s Registrar’s Office, please send them an email.
Non-medical programs: you can request it from the Coordinating Center For International Education in room 208. Please check office hours before visiting the office.

How do I receive my transcripts from the University of Debrecen?

Medical programs: you can order your transcript at the Registrar’s Office for a certain fee or free of charge depending on the purpose. 
Non-medical programs: you can order your transcript at the Coordinating Center for International Education for a certain fee or free of charge depending on the purpose. 

Can I complete my master’s program based on an individual study plan?

In certain cases (that only apply to medical programs), yes. There are several options to apply for an individual study plan depending on what kind of BSc degree you have and which subjects you completed.

Practical info

What is the Unipass card for?

It is a privilege card of the members of the University of Debrecen. It is used for identification in certain buildings of the University, as a dormitory pass, library card, and discount card. For further information please visit

What is the Student card for?

The student card is a nationally unified ID of students, which proves an active student status. The student card is valid with a valid semester sticker. A valid student card entitles you to public transportation discounts, discounts in certain museums, swimming pools, and other services. It is also required for student work. It is a European Youth Card as well, so before you travel to another European country you can check where they accept it.

What is the difference between Unipass and Student card?

The Unipass card is issued by UD for the university community (students and employees), and it gives you privileges in the local services, as well as access to certain services. It also serves as your library card at UD. The student card however is issued by the government, it proves that you are a student and is accepted everywhere is Hungary (also for certain services in Europe). Students mostly use it to enjoy discounts on public transportation or cinema tickets.

Useful links

For some useful internal and external links, please click here.

How can I get a brochure?

You may download them from our webpage, or get a hard copy in the offices of our representatives in or close to your country.

About UD

How long has the University of Debrecen been around? Is it accredited?

The University was officially founded in 1912, but when taking its predecessors into account it has been around since 1538.
The University conducts its programs according to the European Qualifications Framework of the Bologna Process. Thus diplomas attained at the University of Debrecen are generally accepted in the countries of the European Union. Moreover, all our programs are accredited by the Hungarian Accreditation Board which is part of the European Accreditation Board. Medical programs are accredited by the World Health Organization (WHO), The State Education Department (NY, USA), Medical Board of California the General Medicine Council, Medical Councils of India (a qualifying exam is compulsory), Israel, Ireland, Iran, Norway and the United Arab Emirates. Engineering programs are recognized by FEANI, or Fédération Européenne d'Associations Nationales d'Ingénieurs (i.e. European Federation of National Engineering Associations), and can be found in the European Engineering Education Database (EEED).

At which university campus/city will I study/attend classes?

The University of Debrecen has several campuses, some in nearby cities. UD has several campuses outside the city of Debrecen, too, please check the location of your program carefully. Most campuses and study programs are based in Debrecen.

Some programs of the Faculty of Health Sciences are based in Nyíregyháza, these are: Nursing BSc, Social Work in Health Care MSc, Social Work, and Social Economy MA.

The Kindergarten Education BA program is based in Hajdúböszörmény.

Are any degree programs offered online?

The University of Debrecen does not offer online courses or distance education, thus all courses are held on-campus.

Can I talk to current students before applying to UD?

Sure, you can! Please contact our Student Ambassadors in case you have any non-academic questions, they are always happy to share their experience with prospective students! To send them a message, please click here!

How to get around on campus?

We have a useful little map for you to use when you first arrive.

How can I contact UD? Where can I find you on social media?



+36 52 258 058 (Secreteriat)

+36 52 258 051, 052, 067 (Medical Programs)

+36 52 518 659 (Non-Medical Programs)

Whatsapp: +36309687772





Student life

Will the University of Debrecen provide accommodation for its students?

Students have to organize their own accommodations. Debrecen is a popular university town, and lots of new students and expats arrive every year. Therefore it can be difficult and time-consuming to find your accommodation. It is vital that you start looking for a place to live as early as possible. We strongly suggest you have your accommodation booked before you arrive in Debrecen. Finding a place to live after your arrival in September can be extremely difficult.

Our office called Troubleshooter can help you find a place to rent in Debrecen, and also with other practical issues. You can contact them at

For further information please visit the Accommodation section.

What arrangements do I need to make before arriving in Hungary?

If you are already admitted, please read your acceptance letter carefully for all necessary information. 

Make sure you regularly check the Freshman info for dates and useful tips and here you can also sign up for an extremely useful Checklist as well.

If you are from a visa-bound country you will have to apply for a student visa at the nearest Hungarian Embassy. The university can only issue the necessary visa-supporting letter upon receipt of your full tuition fee.

Start looking for accommodation as early as you can!

Contact Troubleshooter and follow their Facebook page!

What is the first thing I should do after I arrive in Debrecen?

The first school-related duty is to be present at the Orientation: exact date, time and place is announced in Freshman info.

The Orientation is an event for newcomers where you will receive all necessary information and documents regarding the start of school: registration tasks, timetable, immigration and residence permit duties, medical examinations, student card, subject registration, etc. 
For leisure activities in Debrecen please see this link

How can I earn money while enrolled in a university program?

Students can work up to 30 hours/week with a student visa. More information about student jobs can be found in this link.

Do I need to bring a computer with me to Hungary? Can I buy one there?

We strongly recommend to bring a computer with you or buy one on the spot, as the registration procedure and several study-related tasks do require one. There are a great deal of shops and malls in Debrecen where you can purchase a laptop or PC that suits you the best, however, most of them are designed for Hungarian language users.

I have dietary restrictions, how will I get by?

There are many options both on campus and in town for all with food allergies and other dietary restrictions (vegetarians, vegans, halal, kosher options, etc.) You may have a look on various food delivery apps available in Hungary!

Not found what you're looking for? Contact us!
