

Luis Gustavo


"I decided to choose the Master's course in Engineering Management at the University of Debrecen because of the possibilities to work abroad, that this course would offer. The University of Debrecen stands out for its wide range of undergraduate, master and Phd courses in English as a study medium, for its excellent structure, offering its students good laboratories, software and study spaces.

My experience after a year at Debrecen is positive. The city of Debrecen is captivating and with the arrival of international students it is possible to make friends with people from different countries and cultures. Very often, possibilities for extracurricular activities such as team competitions, conferences and even games are offered to students. For me, Debrecen is an excellent choice for living, studying and enjoying the life as a student."


More info:

Faculty: Engineering     Program: Engineering Management, MSc


Please note that Luis Gustavo is not an official representative of UD, if you wish to get in touch with our representatives, please visit this website!
