


Application is closed.

Apply until 31 January, 2025


The Hungarian Diaspora Scholarship was established by the Hungarian Government for those who live in a Hungarian diaspora outside of the European Union and wish to study at a Hungarian higher education institution to develop their personal, professional and cultural relations to Hungary.

The programme aims to support the professional advancement of the scholarship holders with high-quality Hungarian higher education while improving their Hungarian language skills and strengthening their Hungarian identity. After graduation, scholarship holders return to their home country with competitive skills and knowledge that enables them to support their community, preserve Hungarian values and reinforce the relations between the diaspora and Hungary.

The programme provides: 

  • Tuition-free education: exemption from the payment of tuition fee.
  • Monthly stipend (upon request)
  • Accommodation: dormitory placement OR a monthly contribution of HUF 40 000 to accommodation costs for the whole duration of the scholarship period. (upon request)
  • Medical insurance


The program is open for students with Hungarian identity that needs to be demonstrated in the application.

The Applicant needs to state that he/she has lived minimum 10 years outside Hungary before the submission of his/her application

Furthermore, applicants shall obtain a recommendation from a Hungarian diaspora organization or a Hungarian Diplomatic Representation of the respective country


Application deadline: 31 January, 2025


Applicants need to submit the following documents:

  • A motivation letter (at least 1-page, written by yourself about why you apply for this scholarship)
  • Your school certificate: high school diploma or bachelor/master degree certificate (or a “Declaration about missing document” if you are in your last year)-> secondary school certificates that prove that Applicant has completed the last 4 years of his/her secondary education in a foreign country (not Hungary)
  • School reports / university transcript
  • Proof of language proficiency (or a “Declaration about missing document” if you will receive the result later)
  • Copy of your passport (or national ID, then you will upload your passport by 1 August)
  • For PhD applicants only: 2 recommendations, research plan, supervisor statement
  • Recommendation letter from a Diaspora Organisation or the Hungarian Diplomatic Representation of the respective territory
  • Declaration about missing documents: only two documents can be missing and uploaded later, the school certificate or the language proof (nothing else can be missing!). In this case you must upload a Declaration signed by yourself, listing the missing documents and declaring that you will upload them by 1 August 2022. Without a Declaration the application will be rejected.


More information about eligible countries and further requirements


More information about programmes available at the University of Debrecen




We wish you a successful application!

