
The largest job fair in the region at the University of Debrecen 19. Apr. 2024

The University of Debrecen has been organising the Job Fair and Career Day since 2007, and from 2017 onwards, the event has been held twice a year. Since its very beginning, the event has aimed to build bridges between different actors, bringing employers and employees together quickly.

Elek Bartha, Vice Rector for Education, said that exhibitors from all walks of life had come to this year's spring event, representing the university's  supply of trainings.

- UD trains professionals, and graduates receive a degree that makes it easy for everyone to find a job. Companies are looking for graduates from the institution, and the dominance of engineering has now disappeared, with a great demand for IT specialists and engineers, as well as people from other fields, from humanities to agriculture. The development in recent years guarantees that every employee can find a job in the companies settling in Debrecen, because whatever the profile of the company, it needs a complete background, so candidates with any kind of degre stand a chance to apply," explained Elek Bartha.
This time again, around two thousand people attended the job fair, including a good number of foreign students, who were also  able to find the most suitable jobs for them.

Emese Pogány, Head of the Student Career Centre at the University of Debrecen, believes that the popularity of the event shows that there is still a need for personal contact.

- Feedback shows that there is no substitute for meeting in person, and if you can submit your CV at the job fair, sit in for an interview, you could be starting a new job in a few weeks. There are new exhibitors every year, but eighty per cent of them have been regulars for many years. This is due to the solid university links with companies in the city and the region, and the exchange remains a platform for medium and large companies. It is becoming more and more common that, with a little exaggeration, any diploma is sufficient to get into a company, as companies are now geared up to train the new workforce," he stressed.

From the very beginning, the organisers of the job fair have placed great emphasis on accompanying university students throughout their career path. This is why they were offered a range of services during the event, including career counselling, psychological career guidance, graphological analysis and mock job interviews.

Press Centre -  PE

