
UD students in the European Parliament 13. Jun. 2023

The aim of the European Youth Event (EYE) is to involve the next generation in shaping the Union's policy. In addition to the EU institutions, representatives of the international business sector and civil society also participated in the event organized for the fifth time.

- The meeting is a unique opportunity for 16-30-year-olds, including students of the University of Debrecen, to meet and exchange opinions with experts, activists, influential opinion-makers and decision-makers in the heart of European democracy. The event offers participants an opportunity to introduce themselves, and also take part in joint activities with various institutions, international, civil and youth organizations and their peers, as well as to build relationships, Adrián Nagy, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Economics, told

The topics of this year's event included sustainability, the future of democracy, coexistence, next year's European Union elections, the EU labor market, war and migration, as well as student mobility programs.  PhD students of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Debrecen attended professional workshops, seminars and discussions.

After the event, the organizers will summarize the ideas, expectations and suggestions of the young people in a report and make it accessible to all representatives of the European Parliament.

Press Center  – ÉE


