
Payment in Hungarian Forint (HUF)

The tuition fee can be transferred in other currencies besides USD directly to the following HUF bank account by indicating the information:

- prospective students / applicants: full name + Applicant's Reference No.

In case of application fee and entrance fee, it is enough to give the applicant’s name in the remark section.

- current students: full name + Neptun code


Beneficiary's name:

University of Debrecen

Beneficiary's address:

Egyetem tér 1. Debrecen, Hungary H-4032

IBAN number:

HU03 1173 8008 2148 9815 0000 0000

Beneficiary's bank name:

OTP Bank Nyrt.

Beneficiary’s bank address:

Nádor street 16. Budapest, Hungary H-1051

SWIFT code:


Correspondent bank:

Deutsche Bank (SWIFT code: BKTRUS33)

List of acceptable currencies and daily exchange rates:

Please note, if you transfer the tuition fee in currencies that are not mentioned on the linked website, the payment will return to the sender’s account.

The tuition fee can be paid in any of the currencies which the OTP bank indicates on its website - the exact amount should be defined based on the daily exchange rate (FX buy rate) of the OTP Bank, and it should be equivalent with the tuition fee given in USD. Any differences in the amount received by the University of Debrecen that might occur due to different exchange rates of date of initiation of the transfer and the date of crediting the payment on the beneficiary’s bank account.

Please note that in the event of a refund request using this bank account, the tuition fee will be reimbursed in HUF.
