
FAQ Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship

FAQ Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship


  1. What is the Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship?

It is a full scholarship, offered by the Hungarian Government for almost 80 countries, based upon bilateral governmental agreements. Foreign students can study with this scholarship at certain Hungarian universities.


The program offers: 

  • Free tuition for the entire duration of studies, no application or entrance exam fee 
  • Monthly grant for students of Bachelor, Master or PhD programs
  • Contribution to accommodation costs
  • Free medical insurance for the entire duration of a BSc, MSc or PhD program

The entire scholarship application and admission process is free of charge (there is no application fee, entrance exam fee or admission fee etc.)


  1. How do I know if my country is eligible?

The full list of supported countries can be found in the Call for Application for BSc, MSc programs and in the Call for Applications for Doctoral programs.

Please check it first to see if you are eligible to apply on this link.

Please note that these lists are from the previous application year, only use them as reference, we will update them as soon as possible!


  1. Who/what is the Sending Partner?

The Sending Partner is an organization in your home country (usually a ministry, embassy, etc.) who is responsible for the pre-selection (nomination) of the applicants. Therefore it is of vital importance that you contact your Sending Partner before submitting your application to find out the conditions of nomination. Name and contact of your Sending Partner can be found in this link.

 Please note that you may also need to send your application to your Sending Partner!


  1. I live in a different country than my passport nationality. What is my country in this case?

Your citizenship matters that you have to prove with a valid passport. For example: if your citizenship/passport is Brazilian, but you live in Japan as a permanent resident but without a Japanese passport: your country (your Sending Partner) is still Brazil, even if you never lived in Brazil.


  1. What happens if my Sending partner will not nominate me?

As the nomination is the first selection point, applicants who are not nominated cannot proceed with the scholarship application. In this case you can still submit a self-financed application directly to our university.


  1. I am still under 18, can I apply?

You must be 18 years old by 31 August 2025 to be eligible. If you turn 18 on/after 1st September 2025, you can apply a year later. You can check the detailed eligibility criteria in the Call for Application.

Please note that this Call for Application is from the previous application year, only use them as a reference, we will update it as soon as possible!

Please note that your Sending Partner may set country specific age limits! Please contact them and ask for any country specific requirement or additional criteria. Name and contact of your Sending Partner can be found in this link.


  1. What can I study?

Each participating country has a different list of supported study fields / programs, please make sure to check on this list what is supported for your country. You may also use as reference our Stipendium Hungaricum Program Finding Tool. (coming soon)

The University of Debrecen offers more than 60 programs for scholarship on bachelor, master and doctoral level so most probably you will find a supported program of your interest. Check the program descriptions on the website of the University of Debrecen:


  1. How many programs / universities can I choose?

You can choose 2 programs. Those can be the same program at 2 different universities or two different programs at the same or different universities. Please make sure you choose the University of Debrecen on the FIRST place, as most awarded applicants get a place at their first choice. It is not possible to change the chosen program, university or order after you submitted your application.


  1. What is an OTM program?

Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy are OTM programs, OTM stands for „one-tier master”. They are one-cycle programs (no separate bachelor and master part), mainly targeting high school graduates as the application requirement is a high school diploma, but after 5 or 6 years of undivided training these programs lead to master level degree. It is possible to apply with a bachelor degree as well, but you cannot apply only for the "master part" as it is not separable.


  1. In what language will I have to study?

All our programs offered for the scholarship are fully taught in English. (With the exception of the Romance Philology and Cultures (French Studies), BA program) Scholarship students are required to study some Hungarian language and culture (as a subject) in the first year.


  1. What is the minimum high school exam requirement?

It depends on the chosen program. In certain programs (for example all medical and health programs) your knowledge is assessed by an entrance exam/interview and not by your previous results.


  1. What is considered as a high school diploma?

To register to any university programs in Hungary one must have completed at least 12 years of education and graduated from a high school (certified by an official document). O-level or IGCSE is not eligible as usually those exams are taken after grade 10 or 11. An A-level (or AS level) or an equivalent is required (higher or senior secondary school certificate). WAEC is not eligible to apply for our medical degree programs.


  1. Do I need an IELTS language exam?

No, IELTS is not required, any exam type is accepted as long as it is a proctored exam and on the required level. Self-tests are not accepted. In case the language of instruction was English during your former education, please provide a written confirmation about this fact given by your previous school. In this case no further language proof is required.

However, in some cases, your sending partner may need an extra/specific language test certificate. Go to this website and look for your sending partner!

For comparison between different language exams please use this CEFR link!


  1. Will there be an entrance exam?

In case of medical and health science programs: yes, there is an entrance exam for all Medicine, Dentistry, and Pharmacy applicants (written and oral exam: Biology is mandatory and the second subject can be chosen between Chemistry or Physics), and there is an entrance interview for all other medical and health science programs.

For BSc programs: your knowledge will be assessed by an entrance exam/interview.

Date and format of the exam/interview will be defined after country nomination and formal evaluation. An online exam/interview can most probably be expected between mid March - end of May 2025. 

For Master and PhD programs there is an oral interview, the interviewer is a Professor of the relevant Faculty / proposed Supervisor. Besides general questions the interviewers might ask about your previous studies, research papers or thesis, and about professional questions within the field.


  1. Where shall I send my application? Are hard copies required?

The application has to be submitted online, in this application system; no hard copies are required and you do not need to submit an application/send any documents directly to our university. We will automatically receive the nominated applications with the submitted documents from Tempus Public Foundation at a later stage (after the country nomination as first selection).

In some countries, you will also have to submit your application to your Sending Partner, according to their instructions.


  1. What documents do I have to submit?

Official English translation is also required if the original document is not in English!

  • A motivation letter (at least 1-page, written by yourself about why you would like to apply for this scholarship)
  • Your school certificate: high school diploma or bachelor/master degree certificate (or a “Declaration about missing document” if you are in your last year)
  • School reports / university transcript
  • Proof of language proficiency (or a “Declaration about missing document” if you receive the result later)
  • Copy of your passport (or national ID, then you will upload your passport by 1 August 2025)
  • for PhD applicants only: 2 recommendations, research plan, supervisor statement
  • Declaration about missing documents: only two documents can be missing and uploaded later, the school certificate or the language proof (nothing else can be missing!). In this case, you must upload a Declaration signed by yourself, listing the missing documents and declaring that you will upload them by 1 August 2025. Without a Declaration the application will be rejected.  
  • + Medical Certificate (by 15 April 2025)


  1. I am already a self-financed student in Hungary, can I continue my studies with the scholarship?

There is a section in the Call for Application for those who are already fee paying students and wish to continue their current studies with the scholarship. Please read it carefully (page 14, Section 3.2.3). You are eligible to apply for the Stipendium Hungaricum programme if

- you are recommended by your current host university - you will have to upload your recommendation letter by 15th March, 2025 the latest, AND

- your cumulative, corrected sum average (“összesített korrigált kreditindex”) is higher than the students’ average performance in the particular study programme (“szakátlag”).

Therefore it is of vital importance that you indicate your Neptun code and the name of your current university at the relevant section of the online application so that you can be identified when we issue the recommendation (if above criteria met).

If you are already a fee-paying student and wish to start a different study program, then all of the above applies, but because

you apply as a freshman, you will need to take an entrance exam or interview depending on the program.


  1. I would like to apply for a PhD program. What do I do?

There is a separate Call for Application for PhD applicants. Please see this link ( for the list and contact data of the doctoral schools of the University of Debrecen. PhD applicants must contact the chosen doctoral school directly to find a topic/supervisor and for the compulsory Statement of the Supervisor (declaring that the supervisor undertakes to supervise the student's work within the doctoral programme). 


  1. I am already a university student outside of Hungary. Can I apply to an upper year level?

This would be a case for a credit transfer request. You will have to follow deadlines and protocols of both SH application and our university. Even in this case you still apply via the online application system, and you will have to submit some further documents directly to our university as well: but only if you get nominated by your country.

For the credit transfer request the following extra documents are needed:

- the credit transfer request form with attachments 

- official university transcripts sealed and signed by the institute (officially translated to English)

- detailed course descriptions of the completed subjects.
Please note that we cannot deal with incomplete documentation: if any of the above-listed documents are missing we cannot proceed with your credit transfer request. For awarded applicants the deadline of submitting credit transfer documents directly to the university is 30th June 2025.

Credits of previously completed (within max. six years) subjects can be recognized if there is a minimum 75% equivalency in the syllabus. For further information on the subject requirements, passing rates, please check the relevant Bulletin.


  1. What is the deadline of application?

15 January, 2025, 2 pm CET.

No application is accepted after this deadline!


  1. Who will pay for my travel to Hungary if I win the scholarship?

The scholarship does not cover travel expenses. You will have to finance your own travel or contact your Sending Partner, as in some countries they offer contribution to travel expenses.


  1. Will I get a dormitory place?

You can apply for a free dormitory place, but the number of those is very limited. In case we cannot provide dormitory placement you will receive some monthly rent support. The university can also help you find private accommodation in Debrecen, there are plenty of apartments for rent near the university campuses.


  1. Are books and study materials also free?

No, those are not covered by the scholarship, you will have to buy them or use the library facilities of the university. You will receive a monthly stipend, contributing to your living expenses.


  1. What does the health insurance cover?

One of the benefits of the scholarship program is a full health insurance that covers all your medical expenses in Hungary. Please note that you still have to pay for medication that you buy in the pharmacy or for private health care services.


  1. I am a final year student at my high school/university. Can I apply?

In general, yes you can apply, please upload to your application your latest transcript of records and a declaration of missing document (high school certificate / degree certificate).

However, please contact your Sending Partner before application as they may set additional criteria for you.

You can find the sending partner's contacts here.


  1. Who/what is Tempus Public Foundation?

Tempus Public Foundation (TPF) is the organization responsible for managing the scholarship program. During the application process if you face any technical difficulties with the application website, or the sending partner is not available you can contact them. 


  1. What is the minimum GPA for Master or PhD programs?

Generally speaking the student should have a good academic standing, meaning grades above 65-70%. Some programs are more competitive, these require either better grades or extracurricular achievements.



  1.  Do I need to apply to UD separately?

In case you are interested in the scholarship program only, you do not need to apply separately to the university, you only need to apply for the scholarship though this website and choose the University of Debrecen in the first place there. 

Please note that you may also need to send your application to your Sending Partner!



In case you face some problems while submitting your application or your application is „Blocked”, please check the following:

1. In case you are still waiting for your language exam or your exam result:

 Under the section of Proof of foreign language proficiency”, please choose the following option for the time being:

 “I do not have a certificate yet”

 Choosing this option means that you have to upload a Declaration about the missing document by the application deadline and must upload the actual language certificate by 1st August, 2025.

2.  In case you do not have a Medical certificate:

Please note that the “Medical certificate” will be compulsory for students nominated by the Sending Partner only and it must be submitted until 15 April, 2025.

Please use the compulsory Medical certificate form (link coming soon)!

3. In case all your documents are in originally English, make sure that under the section „Documents” you also choose the option „I have uploaded the original and the translation"

4. In case you cannot upload a document, please make sure that the document is in the right format and does not exceed the size limit.

5. In case you have no passport yet:

Please upload a copy of your national ID card instead, and a Declaration about the missing document by the application deadline and make sure you upload your passport by 1st August, 2025.

In case you have no national ID card, any document will work that is suitable for your identification for the time being (i.e.: birth certificate).
6. In case you are in your final year of education:
Please also upload your available transcipts and a Declaration about the missing document for your diploma/degree by the application deadline and must upload your school certificate (high school or university diploma) by 1st August, 2025.
7. In case you could not reach your sending partner:
We advise you to still submit your application by the application deadline, as all submitted applications will reach the sending partner. You may also try contacting them after submitting your application.

Please also check the "Application Guide for the Stipendium Hungaricum Programme" (link coming soon)







