
NeurotechEU – Supporting Post-doctoral Researchers 24. Feb. 2023

As has already been reported, the University of Debrecen is a member of NeurotechEU, an international programme established by the leading universities of eight countries in 2020. The objective of the programme is to develop neuroscience, to coordinate related research projects, and to distribute and publish research findings. The consortium is financed by the EU, and includes prestigious institutions like the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, the University of Bonn in Germany, and the Radboud University in the Netherlands.

The organisation offers a scholarship programme to post-doctoral researchers who work at any of the NeurotechEU partner universities and are involved neurotechnology research projects.

- The development of neurotechnology is of strategic importance today. This field of science may play a central role in coping with the challenges that Europe has to deal with in the near future, especially in healthcare. NeurotechEU connects various fields of sciences, including neuroscience, medical science, engineering, artificial intelligence, cognitive science, robotics, social sciences and humanities  – explained József Tőzsér, vice rector for the development of life sciences of UD.

Join a team that builds a new virtual university in Europe – says the announcement. The scholarship programme supports 15 post-doctoral researchers who work at the partner institutions of the organisation.

The research projects can be financed until the end of the first phase of NeurotechEU: 31 October 2023. Within this period, the renewal of support for the researchers involved depends on their results.

For more details, please visit the website of NeurotechEU.

Press Centre – OCs
