
Agribusiness and Rural Development Engineering, BSc

Faculty: Economics and Business
Academic discipline: Agricultural Science
Qualification: Rural Development Engineer
Starting date: September
Language requirements: English language proficiency (TOEFL 513 /IELTS 5.5/oral examination)
Academic requirements: high school certificate, entrance examination in mathematics and chemistry (written and oral)
Duration: 7 semesters
ECTS: 210
Tuition fee: 7,000 USD/year
Other fees: application fee 150 USD, entrance procedure fee 350 USD
Short description:
The purpose of the program is to train rural development agricultural engineers who can carry out organizational, management, administrative, logistical, and production tasks related to production, service, and consultancy. With their acquired knowledge of agronomic, economic, management, business, analytical, advisory, agro-commerce, agro-marketing, environmental, and regional skills and deep understanding of the relationship between administrative tasks and the agricultural economy, they can carry out professional tasks that meet the market expectations. They have the competence to interpret rural development following according to the standards of the European Union, with the necessary skills for planning and implementing rural development programs. They are prepared to pursue their studies in the Master's degree. After completing this program, they will be able to start the MSc in Rural Development Engineering program in possession of full credit prerequisites.
Main subjects typically include (this list is indicative and may change):
Main subjects
1. Foundations for economics
Mathematics for Economy and Business, Information Technology, Economics, Statistics, Economic law, Public administration
2. Foundations for agricultural technology and agricultural science
Horticulture, Plant production, Animal husbandry, Foundations of engineering, Environment management, Natural sciences basics for plant production, Natural sciences basics for animal husbandry, Natural sciences basics for agricultural production
3. Foundations of agricultural economics and entrepreneurship
Land and property policy, Introduction to finance, Accounting, Application of support and regulatory systems, Agronomy, Professional consultancy, Trade in agriculture, Marketing, Logistics
4. Regional and rural development EU studies, Agricultural economics, Regional economics, Rural Development, Business planning, Project planning, Human resource management
5. Special studies related to the theoretical and practical issues of the operation of the rural economy, their economic and social connections Basics of Special GIS, Agricultural information systems, Rural and civil security, Settlement development and management, Village Sociology, Competitiveness development, Rural community development, Practice related to professional theoretical training
6. Other Free elective courses, Thesis writing, Physical education
Internship, practice: Students should complete a 12-week field practice.
The Bulletin of the program can be found here.
Career prospects: The wide range of management and rural development skills enable graduates to pursue different careers and adapt their knowledge to different conditions in their home countries. Graduates may find employment at agricultural companies or in public administration and can also continue studying for a master.



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