
Computer Science Engineering, MSc

Faculty: Informatics
Academic discipline: Computer Science and Information Technology
Qualification: Computer Science Engineer

Starting date: September/February

Language requirements: English language proficiency (TOEFL 547 /IELTS 6.0 /oral examination)
Academic requirements: Relevant bachelor’s degree in information technology

Duration: 4 semesters
ECTS credits: 120
Tuition fee: 7,500 USD/year
Other fees: application fee 150 USD, entrance procedure fee 350 USD

Short description: 
Computer Science Engineering, MSc students have the opportunity to broaden the knowledge that they have acquired over the course of a BSc program, to get acquainted with the modern trends of informatics and to deepen this knowledge. Besides theoretical education, a great emphasis is placed on practical training which is done in IT laboratories. Moreover, students have the opportunity to carry out individual activities which are coordinated and supervised by well-qualified consultants, and they can take part in research projects related to their chosen field which can serve as a basis for their master’s thesis.
Lecture, seminar: 50%
Practice: 50%
Main subjects typically include (this list is indicative and may change):
Year Main subjects
1 Introduction New Network Communication Technologies, Mathematics and Information Theory for Engineers, System Security Techniques and Solutions, Computer Science in Engineering Applications, Introduction to Economics and Law, Management and Organizational Knowledge, Performance Evaluation of Info Communication Networks, System Architecture, Logic Design Using Hardware Description Language, Parallel Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, Internet of Things Systems and Technologies
2 Advanced Switching and Routing 1 (CCNP1), Intelligent Sensor Networks, Multimedia Networks, Reconfigurable Embedded Systems, Data Mining for Engineers, Cloud Service Architectures and Services, Advanced Switching and Routing 2 (CCNP2), Hardware-Software Co-design, Microcontroller Applications Technology, Thesis


Internship, practice: Students should complete a 6-week internship either at the university working on research projects or at a multinational or local company.
More information about the program can be found here.
Career prospects: Computer Science Engineer, MSc graduates can easily find positions in the labor market as senior system designers and developers, system analysts, project managers, IT project managers, IT managers, or network designers. On the basis of their BSc and MSc studies, our students have the opportunity to pass international certification exams such as Cisco with the help of which they greatly increase the chances of being successful applicants in the national and international labor market. Ones who are interested in the science of informatics can be admitted to the doctoral school of the faculty of informatics and, by fulfilling the requirements, can receive their PhD degree.



Are you considering applying for this program?

Check out some information about the Application and Admission process!

More info about Accommodation and Cost of living are also available on our website.

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