
The University of Debrecen Is One of the Emerging Institutions 21. Oct. 2015

The University of Debrecen is ranked pretty high again in the most recent list published by Quacquarelli Symonds about emerging European and Central Asian universities (EECA).
Quacquarelli Symonds (QS), the publisher of QS World University Rankings launched a new ranking for the first time last year that contained the EECA region’s top 100 universities. The second university ranking dedicated to the region identified as Emerging Europe and Central Asia was revealed on October 21 in Istanbul, Turkey, containing a comparison of one hundred and fifty institutions.  There are as many as ten universities on the list from Hungary, and the University of Debrecen has been ranked 29th.
The University of Debrecen Is One of the Emerging Institutions 
This ranking sees Russia’s Lomonosov Moscow State University take the top spot, followed by another Russian representative, Novosibirsk State University, and Charles University of Prague.  Overall, Russian institutions dominate among the region’s top 100 universities (48 out of 150 institutions), while there are 16 Turkish, 14 Kazakh, 12 Polish, 10 Czech, and 9 Ukrainian entries. Among Hungarian universities, there are ten institutions ranked this year, as opposed to the six last year.
Compared to the world ranking, the EECA list reflects the level of the quality of universities in the emerging countries more objectively, as this ranking does not contain the universities in the United States and in Great Britain. In establishing the rankings, 9 chief indicators have been examined. Academic reputation was weighted as 30%, employer reputation as 20, faculty/student ratio as 15, papers per faculty member and web impact as 10%, staff with PhD degrees and citations per paper as 5%, and international faculty and international student percentages as 2.5% each.
According to László Csernoch, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs of the University of Debrecen, this listing reflects a more realistic and much more easily comparable state of affairs, as it ranks the universities that dispose of more or less similar amounts of financial support.
“We can be proud of the 29th place of the University of Debrecen, as there have been not only a hundred and fifty but a lot more universities compared for the purpose of establishing the final rankings, which is why it is a very prestigious achievement all by itself if an institution makes it to the list at all,” added Vice Rector Csernoch.
Please find the rankings here.
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